
Hey, 野声!


Add Tencent Analytics to the yelee theme

The native theme of Hexo comes with Google Analytics, but Google Analytics does not work well in China. After some consideration, I added Tencent Analytics from the Next theme to the Yelee theme I am using.

By the way, Tencent Analytics is really the best website statistics software I have ever used.

I am using the Yelee theme, which does not have Tencent Analytics, so I added it myself.

Perform the following operations in the "theme directory".

Add the following code to the "_config.yml" file:

# Configure your Tencent Analytics ID after the colon. The ID is the numeric part of the code you obtained.

Create a new "tencent-analytics.ejs" file in "layout/_partial/". Add the following code:

<% if (theme.tencent_analytics){ %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://tajs.qq.com/stats?sId=<%= theme.tencent_analytics %>" charset="UTF-8"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var _speedMark = new Date();
<% } %>

The above code includes Tencent Analytics.

Modify "head.ejs" in "layout/_partial/":

# Add the following code on any line to load Tencent Analytics when users open the webpage.
<%- partial('tencent-analytics') %>

Then enter your Tencent Analytics ID in the "_config.yml" file of the theme.

Execute the following commands:

hexo clean
hexo g -d

That's it.

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